Taking the Lead on Workplace Safety
As an employer, it’s your legal and moral responsibility to make sure every member of your team heads home safely at the end of the day. When it comes to the best workplace safety practices, it can get a little confusing – especially if you have large teams, industry-specific machinery, vehicles, or multiple worksites.
In this article, we’re going to look at what advice there is out there to help companies meet their health and safety needs. We will discuss how chambers such as the Victorian Chamber of Commerce are taking steps to make health and safety a priority for companies across the state and how implementing easy-to-fill-out hazard reporting and Take 5 Safety Books can really make a difference to your workers.
Why Is Workplace Safety So Important?
Creating a workplace safety culture is essential for any company. It shows workers that employers take their welfare seriously, saves companies money in the long run and helps to prevent any accidents from happening in the future.
In many industries and companies, it’s also a legal requirement to ensure that your workers are as safe as possible.
Implementing a daily, weekly or monthly checklist, risk assessment or hazard reporting procedure can help to ensure that everyone’s safety is a continuing focal point and that accidents and workplace hazards are reduced.
How Can You Ensure You’re Implementing the Best Workplace Safety Practices?
Look to Local Organisations
Workplace safety is so important that many local Chambers of Commerce are providing support and guidance to companies. The Chamber of Commerce in Victoria, for instance, offers a number of different services to help both employers and employees make the workplace safer and a better place for all. These services include:
- Safety Walk: You can have an expert walk around your workplace, factory, store room, or offices to identify potential risks and advise on best practices to help reduce accidents.
- Safety Talk: Talking openly about workplace safety practices is a great way to build confidence and trust in the workplace. An expert will come to your business and provide an engaging talk that centres on health, safety and wellbeing in the workplace and why it’s important for everyone.
- Safety Documents: The documentation around workplace health and safety is one of the areas employers and companies find the most difficult. There are many different types of risk assessments, hazard reporting methods and safety books which are easy to complete, customisable and portable so that employees can fill them out as and when needed. Your Chamber of Commerce expert can also help with documented procedures and compliant policies.
- Safety Partner: You’ll be given a dedicated safety partner who can assist you when you require more support and guidance.
- Safety Perform: An important and often unacknowledged part of workplace health and safety is carrying out comprehensive reporting on safety performances. Learning what works well and what could be improved in your business will help to reduce the likelihood of accidents occurring in the future.
- Safety Behavior: Experts can help to analyse behaviour and encourage the best workplace safety practices so that wellbeing is at the forefront of everyone’s mind.
These are just some of the services the Chamber of Commerce in Victoria is offering businesses to make them safer. Other organisations and Chamber of Commerce around the country are offering similar services. Check with your local Chamber of Commerce to see what they suggest and what advice they give.
Use the Best Checklists and Hazard Reporting Books
There are lots of different resources you can use for employees to fill out around the workplace. In both digital and paper format, all health and safety checklists and risk assessments aim to do the same thing – help you to identify potential hazards, secure them and come up with good safety procedures for the future to stop accidents from happening.
At UniPrint, we offer Take 5 Safety Books, checklists and hazard report books that you can easily introduce to your workspace to make it safer. They’re all industry compliant, portable, durable and easy to use. What’s more, we also offer customised safety books to include your company’s logo and colours and specific instructions, evacuation points, contact numbers and names. They’re also available in French, Arabic, Thai, Spanish, German and English.
When employees use our checklists, hazard report cards and Take 5 Safety Books, they can easily identify possible issues with machinery, hazards or potential hazards before an accident occurs.
Take Charge of Your Workplace Safety
If you’d like to improve the workplace health and safety of your business, check with your local Chamber of Commerce to see what services and advice they offer for your industry and your area. A great place to start is with the correct documentation and resources to make health and safety accessible to all and easy to carry out.
At UniPrint, we offer multiple checklists, books, and safety posters to help improve the overall health and safety of your business. Each can be printed on durable stone paper (which can be used in wet conditions) and we also offer bulk buying, so you’ll never be short of crucial resources. Get in touch with the team at UniPrint to discuss your needs and the customisable options for your business.